In this article I am going to give a basic foundation of JavaScript string Methods
- indexOf()
It returns the index within the string of first occurrence of the specified value
It returns -1 if it is not found
const str = "Hello World"
const output = str.indexOf("World")
console.log(output) // 6
Note : Indexes in JavaScript strings start at 0, not 1.
Return a new string with replace the matched substring with the new substring
const str = "Hello World" const output = str.replace("World" , "India") console.log(output) // Hello India
It return a new string by extracting the part of given string. This method take two argument start index(inclusive) and end index(exclusive). In case when the end index is not given it will extend it to the end of string
const str = "Hello World" const output = str.slice(6,9) console.log(output) // Wor const newStr = "Hello Readers" const newOutput= newStr.slice(7) console.log(newOutput) // eaders
It return a new array after splitting the string based on the given parameter. There are two parameter separator and limit(optional)
Separator : The pattern which determine where to split the string
// spliting the string without any parameter const str = "Hello"; const parts = str.split(); console.log(parts); // Output: ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o"] // when we want to split the sting based on "," const str = "apple,banana,grape,orange"; const separator = ","; const parts = str.split(separator); console.log(parts); //Output:[ 'apple', 'banana', 'grape', 'orange' ] // split a string based on the single space character const str = "Hello world! This is a test"; const separator = " "; const parts = str.split(separator); console.log(parts); // Output: ["Hello", "world!", "This", "is", "a", "test"]
It return true if the string is start with the given string, othewise it return false
const str = "Hello World"; const startsWithHello = str.startsWith("Hello"); console.log(startsWithHello); // Output: true
It return a new string with all the character converted to lowercase.
const str = "Hello World" console.log(str.toLowerCase()) // hello world
It return a new string with all the character converted to Uppercase.
const str = "Hello World" console.log(str.toUpperCase()) // HELLO WORLD